School of Vision: Vision Management Boot Camp
It is a jump start program to engage, equip and employ individuals in living out their dream. It is an intensive 2-hour course that will give visionaries the tools required to manage their vision. The Vision Management Bootcamp will give visionaries the momentum needed to obtain their vision. It encourages, empowers, energizes and employs visionaries with an action plan to live out their vision.
School of Vision: Vision Writing Boot Camp
Vision Writing Boot Camp is a 2-hour course designed to assist visionaries in developing a vision statement that will paint the picture of their organization purpose that leads to inspiring others to connect and move in its purpose. Visionaries will learn vision development techniques and given tools to develop a powerful vision statement. Students will apply vision develop techniques to develop a vision statement for their endeavor.
School of Vision: Vision Extracting Boot Camp
Vision Extracting Boot Camp is a 2-hour course designed to teach visionaries how to utilize their vision statement in the development cycle of creating their personal or company mission. Students will understand the difference between a vision and mission statement. Student will develop a mission statement that will guide and align the organization with action steps toward completing their vision. The student will learn techniques and receive tools to develop a powerful mission statement. The students will apply mission development techniques by developing and critiquing missions statements. In addition, students will develop an elevator speech or unique value position from vision evaluation.
School of Vision: Vision Branding Introduction Boot Camp
Vision Branding Intro Boot Camp is designed to teach participants how to develop a brand identity for their company, business, ministry, etc. Participants will learn and create their Brand Position, Brand Promise, Braid Traits, Brand Story, Brand Association and Brand Points for their specific entity. Particpants will learn the difference between branding and marketing. Particpiants will learn the impact of external and internal brand touch points for their industry.
School of Vision: Vision Operations Boot Camp
Vision Operation Boot Camp is designed to teach visionaries the legally required components to establish a business, ministry, etc. Visionary
School of Vision: Vision Protection Boot Camp
Vision Protection Boot Camp is designed to teach visionaries how to protect their intellectual property. Visionaries will learn the difference between vision protection entities. Visionaries will be able to distinguish with entit(ies) are needed for protecting their vision. Visionaries will learn the requirements and process to protect their vision.
Mobile Business Boot Camp - Coming Soon
Mobile Business Boot Camp is designed to teach individuals how to increase business productivity by utilizing their mobile devices such as phones, ipads and tablets. Students will learn how to turn their mobile devices into an optimized and productive business office. This course will teach individuals how to set up mobile devices for business On-The-Go.
Take advantage of our Jump Start Programs that engages, euips, and employ individuals in their dreams, visions, goals, purpose. View MoreSCHOOL OF VISION
School of Vision is a 3-Step coaching program designed to help visionaries to design, develop and deploy their God given vision. View MoreSERVICES
Check out our services to see how we can assist your personal or professional growth and development View More